How can I fix the staves which are grouped together in weird ways?

• Nov 10, 2021 - 21:31

I think this was because I changed the instruments to piano at one stage because I hate the sound of the the vocals. Now I can't figure out how to fix it..

Attachment Size
Time to Fly - Choir score 6 parts.mscz 44.29 KB


In the future, don't change instrument just to change sound - use the Mixer to change just the sound. Meanwhile for this score, probably best to change ithe instruments back, then adjust the sound if desired. Then if glitches remain, just select and delete the brackets, add new ones from the palettes, and adjust the barlines by clicking and dragging the handles.

There are several things you could do. I also don't like the voice sounds so my way would be to create 7 new Flute parts and *copy the notes from each stave to those, then delete the original "instruments" and then set about renaming the Staves, adjusting note range as necessary. Then delete all the parts and recreate new ones. Note that you may need to temporarily increase the page height in order to see all the staves while you copy and paste and then you can delete the old staves and then reset the page height.

*Click on first measure, [Ctrl][Shift][End], [Ctrl]c then move to new stave, click on first measure, [Ctrl]v. Rinse, repeat for each stave.

Attachment Size
Time to Fly - Choir score 6 parts.mscz 58.24 KB

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