Bars per page

• Dec 15, 2021 - 21:20

How do I edit the number of bars I want in 1 page?


It is not clear what you are asking.

Do you mean you have entered all the music and are finding it won't fit on a single page? If so you need to increase the page size, or reduce the margin size, or decrease the stave scaling or reduce the stretch or a combination of some or all of those.

Or do you mean you have entered all the music and would like to move bars to the next page. If so add a page break using SHIFT+RETURN in the bar you want to be the last on the page. See

Or do you mean that you want to add further measures to the end of your score? If so go to the Add menu and click on Bars>Append Bars.

Or something else. If so come back and if possible attach the score and explain in more detail what you want to achieve.

In reply to by Bamberry

N order to understand anbd asssit better, we'd need you to attach the score. There could be any number of reasons that more measures aren't fitting. And the reasons which only one measure fits currently will determine what to do about about. Could be you need smaller staff size, could be you need to remove system breaks, could be you need to reduce measure or note spacing, could be lyrics are the culprit, could be manual adjustments adding room unnecessarily, etc.

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