Missing a Score

• Jan 14, 2022 - 10:23

I know this might not be as hard as I am thinking, but I will try my best to explain and understand the suggestions. I have already read the pages in the help center, but I am looking for more help. Unfortunately, I am missing a score. It is supposed to be saved on my computer on my desktop, but I am struggling to find it. The last time I touched it was a few months ago and I have a fully updated audio version of it saved on my computer, but the score is missing (or the file is). I was able to find a none updated version, though it is missing half of the parts and half of the music. I am using 10.15.7 Mac Catalina. I can not update my computer at the moment. Nothing is wrong with the computer, I am in school and I do not want to update my computer then update the software I use for school. I have been trying for hours to find the score. I have not deleted it, as I tend not to delete things in a hurry. Is there something I can do? I am still learning tech related things, so I struggle understanding the help forums. Hopefully it isn't actually gone. TIA to anyone who can help.


If you have not deleted it, it would still be on your computer. MuseScore has no means whatsoever to remove scores from your computer. Use Mac's "Finder" to search for it.

In reply to by missacacia

I am pretty sure Finder has options to make it it checks system and other folders, check for hidden files, and more. but tha'ts something you'd really want to check with a macOS forum for help with.

All we can do is guarantee that MuseScore did not remove your file. If you saved it, and didn't delete it yourself, it's still right there in exactly the same folder you chose to save it to. If you don't remember what folder you chose, then indeed, you'll need to hunt for it. Maybe someone at your school is good with computers and could help you in person.

You wrote:
The last time I touched it was a few months ago...

Did you maybe have a USB stick, or maybe an external drive attached to your computer a few months ago and saved the file there?
What about having saved it somewhere in your school network?

In reply to by Jm6stringer

It's been Covid so I didn't really go back to school (I am in college they just started letting us back on campus). Yeah I checked the USB sticks too. An old copy from 2020 is on it, not a recent version. Im thinking I might've put it on one of the sticks, but it has nothing on it. I can't recall if I was clearing the stick for school or if I put the score on it. Either way the stick is empty. Is it possible the stick lost the file? Is there a way to recover it from a USB stick?

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