Piano keyboard showes C4 as middle C
Piano keyboard showes C4 as middle C. In Czech Republic we call this octave C1. Is it possible to change the names showed on the piano keyboard to Czech style, where middle C is C1 and not C4?
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Snímek obrazovky 2022-01-13 v 22.23.52.png | 352.45 KB |
This is currently hard-coded.
In reply to This is currently hard-coded. by jeetee
If it was 3, how would you identify the notes below C0?
In reply to If it was 3, how would you… by xavierjazz
I believe this is talking about the Helmholtz pitch notation. Below "C" would be ",C", above "c", then "c'"
See https://dictionary.onmusic.org/appendix/topics/octaves and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmholtz_pitch_notation
However: MuseScore is using the scienficic notation and that is hard coded. And would not be easy to change.
But see #273068: Add internationalization to notenames/pitches, esp. their octaves
In reply to If it was 3, how would you… by xavierjazz
And in some cases it is referred to as C-1, C-2 etc..
In reply to And in some cases it is… by jeetee
More with super- and subscript numbers