newScore function: how to add a violin and bass clef qml?

• Jan 15, 2022 - 00:41

does anyone know how to use the function newScore in a way that a violin G and bass F clef is created?

I've tried the following but always only got a violin, G clef:
var score = newScore("Random.mscz", "x", measures);
var score = newScore("Random.mscz", "grand-piano", measures); // why is there not Bass clef?
var score = newScore("Random.mscz", "piano", measures);
var score = newScore("Random.mscz", "violin", measures); //well this is not surprising...

it always looks like this:

while would like to have it like this:

please ignore the transpose... I'd be fine if it is just Cmaj.


I'd consider the bottom staff showing in Treble when running with "piano"/"grand-piano" as a bug, as according to the instruments.xml file those should receive an F-clef indeed.

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