Time Signature Organization
The ability to create my own time signature is an incredibly useful feature, but I find that as I create too many, finding time signatures becomes more difficult. I'd like to request that the cells displaying each time signature in the palette and master palette be moveable so that users can rearrange time signature in a way that is idiomatic for them.
If you have enabled editing using the three dots
you can drag the icons to the position you prefer
In reply to If you have enabled editing… by Shoichi
And all palettes should already be enabled for editing by default unless you've gone out of your way to disable it previously. If you were able to add the new time signature, you can also rearrange them.
In reply to And all palettes should… by Marc Sabatella
I see this now, but is it also possible in the master palette?
In reply to I see this now, but is it… by BenjaminTufte
In reply to I see this now, but is it… by BenjaminTufte
The master palette is not intended to actually be used; it's there only as a holder from the days when it was needed to restore icons you might have deleted from your own palettes. I wouldn't be surp[raised to see it go away in a future version.
In reply to The master palette is not… by Marc Sabatella
I know that a lot of thought goes into decisions like these, but for what it's worth, I use the Master Palette all the time for inputting key- and time-signature changes (and I doubt I'm the only one — it makes sense to us migrants from Sibelius). It fits my workflow better than having lots of smaller palettes on the side of the screen. I'd be sad to see it go.
In reply to I know that a lot of thought… by Nathanael Kumar
All the stuff in the master palette is also available in the normal palettes, if need be under the More field
In reply to I know that a lot of thought… by Nathanael Kumar
All the stuff in the master palette is also available in the normal palettes, if need be under the More field. Also the Advanced workspace has more then the basic one.
In reply to I know that a lot of thought… by Nathanael Kumar
You can customize the "lots of smaller palettes" into larger one(s) to hold the elements you frequently access from the Master Palette.
In reply to You can customize the "lots… by Jm6stringer
No, I know. :) That's what I've done with most score elements I use regularly. But I prefer to access the time signatures and key signatures via a pop-up I can activate with a keyboard shortcut; it's easier than scrolling through a palette on the side. Just personal preference, I suppose.
In reply to I know that a lot of thought… by Nathanael Kumar
I would expect the key and time signatures portions to remain, or at least to be replaced with something even more focused to that task, specifically because unlike the rest of the master palette, these two are customizable, so those controls need to be present in some form. But the rests of the sections provide no value over the normal palette.
And I’m not saying I know the rest of the master palette will go away. But it’s extra code to maintain and document and mostly just confuses newcomers who don’t understand what it’s for, and from I see in MuseScore, eliminating this sort of needless duplication and confusion is part of the sort of streamlining that is taking place throughout.
In reply to I would expect the key and… by Marc Sabatella
Fair enough, I understand. :) I know the team will make whatever choice is best for MuseScore in the end.
In reply to I know that a lot of thought… by Nathanael Kumar
Nathanael, I am "migrant from Sibelius". I have little use for the master palette.
In reply to Nathanael, I am "migrant… by bobjp
I suppose we all have different ways of composing/engraving!
In reply to I suppose we all have… by Nathanael Kumar
I might learn something here. How is the Master palette more efficient than the regular palettes? It's big and clunky.
In reply to I might learn something here… by bobjp
I personally find that keybinds are infinitely faster than anything involving a mouse or touchpad. I like to hit "K" or "T" (for "key signature" or "time signature" respectively), click whatever I want from the Master Palette, then close the Master Palette immediately. I don't leave it open if I can help it. The alternative is either clogging up my main palette with 25-odd components I don't use that often or creating another palette for them (meaning a click to open, a click to select, and another click to close).
In reply to I suppose we all have… by Nathanael Kumar
I'll give it a try.
In reply to I suppose we all have… by Nathanael Kumar
I'm a mouser. I get that the keyboard is faster. I use a trackball mouse which is much faster to use that a regular mouse. My hand never moves. I can make the curser move very quickly. There are many things I can add to a score from the default palette and never touch the keyboard. And yet for me, especially for composing, there are more important things than speed. I don't do any transcription.