Interest in Working ABC Import / Export?

• Jun 12, 2022 - 00:11

What is the interest in an ABC Import / Export plug that works consistently? Please respond in this thread.

I can do this locally, but would be open to setting up a public APIs and plugin code if there is broader interest. For now, I'm locally using ABC2XML and XML2ABC to move songs between formats.

Jeff K.


As for export, I think it might be more useful to look at Wim's JS version as there's a good chance that can run with minor modifications as a QML native plugin (no internet required then) and offer the options via a UI.

In reply to by jeetee

That is awesome!  Thank you.  I thought I would need to setup my on domain and API. look forward to hearing the plans for the ABC import/export feature.

Were you aware that the current abc import plugin does not work because the API is defunct? Someone would need to setup a new API or fix the current one. This is covered in a thread somewhere.

If I can assist, please let me know.  I have a software development background.

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For the export I (in first instance) would indeed look at whether the existing JS-parser can be wrapped inside the QML plugin framework of MuseScore itself. If so, then there's a good change no API call would be required indeed.

If that's not the case, then setting up a service that runs the python script similar to what I just did for the importer should be fairly straightforward.

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