TIFF Export

• Jul 12, 2022 - 15:06

I'm publishing a book and the publisher has told me to export the graphics as TIFF. Now I've done all the engravings and put all the fingerings and pedals by hand in MS already. They've told me if MS doesn't export TIFF, I should export the scores as MusicXML or XML and put them into Sibelius and then export them as TIFF there. Now I don't want to do the engravings all over again because they're almost 70 pages of pure notes AND I hate the Sibelius font and can't get MuseScore's font to work in it. What do I do?
Using MS instead of Sibelius was a choice, by the way...

Attachment Size
2022-07-12.png 68.18 KB


So I exported the score as PNG files and converted them to TIFF files. Sent them to the publisher and they had no complaints...
Thanks, Jojo!

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