Merge matching note durations in different voices

• Jul 15, 2022 - 09:26

Similar to the "merge matching rests" feature which can be applied to a single staff, I think a "merge matching note durations" feature would allow for a cleaner-looking and more compact score (Fig. 1). When note durations line up between voices, stems and flags could face the same way, and beams and articulations could be merged. This merging seems to be the standard in all of the orchestral scores I have studied. The only exceptions would be when both parts play the same notes (Fig. 2), lower and higher voices cross over (Fig. 3), or each voice has a differing articulation (Fig. 4). In all of these cases, the stems would once again have to face the opposite direction.

While I could just move the notes from the second voice into the first, it makes the generation of individual instrument parts from different voices, or transferring voices between parts a lot more difficult and time-consuming. This is because I would have to manually seperate notes in some—but not all areas, as some rhythmically-unique parts usually remain in the second voice. This inconsisent use of 1st and 2nd voices renders the "explode" tool, or even the PruneStack plugin of no use.

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Fig 1.png 276.36 KB
Fig. 2.PNG 51.88 KB
Fig 3.png 164.82 KB
Fig. 4.PNG 81.57 KB


I understand the problem you describe. The difficulty I can see is how to generate individual instrument parts from the merged single stave. But I think there is a reasonable workaround that achieves the same thing but from the other end.

  • For say a flute section create three staves - the upper one will have the merged notes for the score. The lower two will have the individual Flute 1 and Flute 2 parts leaving the upper "score" stave empty
  • Enter the notes into the individual Flute 1 and Flute 2 staves
  • Select all three staves and use Tools>Implode which will create a combined part with two voices in the previously empty "score" stave.
  • Now select just that "score" stave and use Tools>Implode again. This will merge matching durations into a single voice and leave non-matching durations in separate voices.

You can then make the individual Flute 1 and Flute 2 staves invisible in the score. They will, however, remain available for part extraction.

The following simple example may make the process clearer.


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Combined.png 250.99 KB

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you for your detailed workaround. While this will be useful for smaller orchestral works, I can see difficulties with software performance with all of these extra staves for longer orchestral works. For example, my Symphony's entire 1-hour score can already barely run and be edited in MuseScore.
I suppose I could also need only two staves per part instead of three: one for the combined rhythms for engraving, and the other with the bottom two staves combined as separate voices for parts creation.

Looking again at your post. There is a further case that you did not consider. This is an extract from Weber's 2nd Clarinet Concerto (2nd movement).

Weber Cl Conx 2-2 example.png

You will see that there are several opportunities to share stems that are not taken - I have ringed some of them in red. Here it is clear that there are two separate tunes in each of the instrument pairs and they really need to be kept separate. Sharing stems would make this much less clear.

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Weber Cl Conx 2-2 example.png 260.54 KB

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