First-time startup problems.

• Jul 20, 2022 - 16:43

MuseScore 3.6.2 build 3224f34 - 64-bit Linux AppImage
Ubuntu 22.04
First use after AppImage downloaded. Start from command line. Blue splash-screen appears. "Help us to improve..." screen appears. Neither button reacts to hover or click. I eventually found that clicking the hyperlink closes both screens and starts the main program. Subsequent start-ups are fine.

Messages on command-line:
qrc:/qml/TelemetryPermissionDialogue.qml:37: Reference Error: globalStyle is not defined
qrc:/qml/DialogButton.qml:37: Reference Error: globalStyle is not defined


Whereas, I am not proficient, on Linux Mint;
I downloaded Appimage, right-clicked on the file->Properties, Permissions tab->Let the file run as a program. Closed the window, double-clicked on the file.
Can it be useful for you?

The buttons on that dialog work too, but are visually displaced on some window managers for some Qt-bug reason.
Pressing "Esc" would've worked as well and closed the telemetry dialog without giving consent.

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