Tap into your brain

• Aug 22, 2022 - 21:57

Hi guys,
I cleared up the developers' handbook outline so it makes more sense now, couldn't edit this one though. All new Plugins doc gathering wisdom I learnt from the forum, feel free to check and fix anything wrong, and share your trade secret as you see fit.


In reply to by jeetee

The negative effect of Qt.quit is that it stops all the active plugins. This is bothering especially with docked plugins that I'd like to stay docked during my work in MS. I've been searching for another nice way to stop a plugin without stopping all the plugins.

In reply to by parkingb

Then see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/developers-handbook/plugins-3x#The_Pl… and the 2 links there

Esp. this:

Dialog plugins

  1. Give the plugin itself an id
  2. Add import QtQuick.Window 2.2
  3. When the plugin needs to close, use pluginId.parent.Window.window.close();

Dockable plugins

In my opinion, these simply shouldn't attempt to close themselves at all.
Moreover, the used workaround from above doesn't work for these. You can reach the QQuickView from the plugin, but calling close on it has no effect. Instead it should be called on the wrapping QDockWidget which is unreachable from within the QML itself.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Absolutely. Self closing trick is buggy too, QtQuick.Window won't stay on top. I'm not able to understand why QQuickView onClosing Event is not triggerable or signal receivable, seems right now we can only ignore the issue. Moving forward maybe divide plugins into two: background component and view? like chrome extension did in the past?
>>We should definitely compile all these tricks in some doc.
I'm collecting seashells here

In reply to by msfp

Bookmarked !
BTW, I've been reading the Use Case: Changing an Existing Note's Pitch. I don't understand the need of your "NAN" for the G#. I've never encountered such issue in my own processing of the pitch/tpc1/tpc2. But I haven't worked with a 2D array.
My library for managing this value is to be find here. How I work is with a 1D array with the following info:
'tpc': 33, 'name': 'B♯♯', 'accidental': 'SHARP2',
For a certain pitch, depending if I'm looking for a SHARP-range note or a FLAT-range note, I will work only with one or another subset of this 1D array. To be discussed off-topic.

In reply to by msfp

pitch, tpc1 and tpc2 are the must. I guess string is also needed for guitar tabs (I've got less experience with guitar tabs) The relation between tpc1 and tpc2 might be tricky but is fundamental when dealing with transposing instruments.
See this discussion .
It has the same value for non transposing instruments.

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