Fingerings are not transferred to Sibelius

• Aug 30, 2022 - 16:09

Hello, everyone,
the current Muse score is not able to create an album, I tried to transfer all scores in Sibelius. But the musicxml file (Sibelius can only read it) could not transport fingerings.
Does anyone know why and what to do about it?
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards


MuseScore definitely exports fingerings. If Sibelius doens't import them, that's something you'd have to contact their support about.

Meanwhile, also consider using MuseScore 2 to do the album stuff. You'll almost certainly lose much less information, and it will be free.

In reply to by qariqris

Hmm, I hadn't remember that MuseScore 2 didn't import fingering from MusicXML. Could be something special about your score whey aren't being exported properly for whatever reason - best to attach your actual score instead of just pictures so we can understand and assist better.

But realistically, unless your "album" is meant to consist of very short excerpts where you need to fit multiple pieces on a single page regularly, it's probably easiest to just join PDF files and not worry about trying to create a combined score. And for the case of multiple pieces on a single page, easiest might be to export to SVG or PNG then import into a word processor.

In reply to by qariqris

As jeetee mentioned, MuseScore 2 did import the fingerings, they were just hard to say.

But FWIW, given what you are proposing doing here, I definitely would seriously consider doing the book in either of the ways I described - either by simply joining the PDF's (tons of free utilities that can do this in seconds), or by doing it in Word or something similar and importing the music as images. Either is likely to be much simpler, and you'll gain quite a but of flexibiltiy, and really I don't see that you'd lose a thing.

In reply to by qariqris

Zoom in more on that picture ;-)

2.3.2 does import those fingerings, they're just overlapping with the notes.
EDIT: and exporting from 2.3.2 again and importing that in 3.6.2 does retain them as well.

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