Muse sounds
I have downloaded MuseScore 4.0.0, with no previous installation of alpha 4 versions, and all Muse Sound sound founts, two times.
MS 4 works great, as far as I can see, but I can't use Muse Sound, all I see on MS 4 is MS basic.
I use a standard Mac Mini M1 with latest Ios, Ventura 13.0
Is there something I missed? I guess so! So, thank you for your explanation of how to correctly retrieve and install the new Muse Sound resources!
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Capture d’écran 2022-10-29 à 06.48.31.png | 56.04 KB |
Have you activated MuseSounds in View -> Playback Setup?
In reply to Have you activated… by [DELETED] 1307581
That's often the best way to quickly enable it for all supported instruments, but it shouldn't be necessary. You should be able to go directly to the mixer to set instruments individually without activating the Muse Sounds "profile" first.
Hard to say what might be going on to prevent it from working here, but do search the issue on GitHub (which is where all feedback on MuseScore 4 is to be reported, as per the announcement) to see if you can find any existing issues with that may shed some light on this.
In reply to That's often the best way to… by Marc Sabatella
Hello Marc, thank you for your message. I will check on GitHub and try to report the issue, as it was not possible to select the Muse Sounds profile directly, without having set the playback parameters as a first step. It now works great, and gives remarkable results.
In reply to Hello Marc, thank you for… by JCFadot
I cant set my profile as Muse Sounds either. You mention having to first set the playback parameters. Where are the playback parameters?
In reply to That's often the best way to… by Marc Sabatella
Hi Marc. What happened was: I downloaded every sound in the hub, but the muse sounds tab is still grey, I'm not even able to select it. What should I do?
In reply to Hi Marc. What happened was:… by berlinstrings1
I don't have the answer. I can only suggest going to GitHub as request in the beta announcement, search to see what other issues seem similar, see if any workarounds are suggested there, and adding your info to whatever issue seems most similar, opening a new one if your symptoms clearly don't match any existing reports.
In reply to Have you activated… by [DELETED] 1307581
Hello Pentatonus, thank you infinitely! This is what was needed, it works great now and my piece sounds quite different now! What a difference the Muse Sound makes, this is quite extraordinary.
In reply to Have you activated… by [DELETED] 1307581
I use the Beta version and the Muse option cannot be activated.
In reply to I use the Beta version and… by jotape1960
Hello, did you try to activate MuseSounds in View -> Playback Setup. It worked great as to me.
In reply to I use the Beta version and… by jotape1960
Did you download Muse Sounds through the hub?
In reply to Did you download Muse Sounds… by Marc Sabatella
Hi, Marc!!!
Yes, I did it and I installed it.
But... Curiously, I got the old MusE app full replacement, something like a whole new DAW. Up to me, nothing directly related with the Muse Sounds.
In the "Playback options" menu, the "Muse" option is gray (not available).
I use Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1 LTS (64 Bit Linux).
Any idea? ???
In reply to Hi, Marc!!! Yes, I did it… by jotape1960
Do you see your instruments in /srv/muse-hub/downloads/Instruments? Do you see /usr/lib/
In reply to Do you see your instruments… by Marc Sabatella
Inside the first folder, I just have one file ".instruments" (the system tells me it is an SQL database file).
In the other folder, I doesn't have nothing similar to "".
What is wrong here? ???
In reply to Inside the first folder, I… by jotape1960
Which of the Muse Sounds did you install from the hub? You should see a folder for each. if you didn't install any yet, that's the problem right there. If you did install some, check the location where it is installing sounds by clicking the gear icon, at top right.
In reply to Which of the Muse Sounds did… by Marc Sabatella
The only one thing I get from "MusE" is the images I uploaded.
This is a MIDI Sequencer, nothing related with MuseScore itself.
In reply to The only one thing I get… by jotape1960
Indeed, that has nothing to do with Muse Hub, so ignore that. I'm not asking about MusE; I'm asking about "Muse Hub", and the sounds it then allows you to install. You say you've installed Muse Hub - great. but did you run it? And when you ran it, did you choose to actually install any sounds? Start Muse Hub again then look at the bottom to see which sounds it says you've installed. If none of them have check marks, it means you never installed any sounds. So do that now. Harp is small and downloads quickly, so maybe try that first.
Here's what you should be seeing when you run Muse Hub:
If you're not seeing that, you're not running Muse Hub.
In reply to Indeed, that has nothing to… by Marc Sabatella
Now I can to run "Muse Hub".
The problem is about the app main icon appears inside the "Internet" applications menu list (I would expect it was inside the "Audio" apps menu, "MIDI" sub menu options). Remember, I use Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1 LTS Operating System.
I don't know if this "issue" could be fixed in the future final stable version.
In reply to Indeed, that has nothing to… by Marc Sabatella
I've got the View -> Playback setup window, "Muse Sounds" greyed-out & unselectable. I installed MS4 manually on Ubuntu 20.04 and a few weeks later installed Muse Hub. I elected to put the Instruments from Muse Hub into a custom location. I can't find anything in MS4 to "set up" so it knows of my custom Instruments location...
In reply to I've got the View ->… by Are Jayem
Right now there is no facility in MuseScore 4 to select an alternate location to look for Muse Sounds. So if you install them somewhere other than the default, just set up a symbolic link so MuseScore can find them.
In reply to Right now there is no… by Marc Sabatella
I exited MS4. Set up the symbolic link and made sure it 'works'. Restarted MS4. View->Playback setup still shows Muse Sounds greyed-out. I'm not going to chase this. I'll wait for the official role-out of MS4. Thanks.
In reply to I exited MS4. Set up the… by Are Jayem
Without people to help track down issues like this, it's not really likely to the actual release will be any different. The symbolic link definitely worked for me. You might have set it up incorrectly, or something else might be going wrong. My guess if you don't have the libmusesampelr installed where it needs to be though
In reply to Without people to help track… by Marc Sabatella
Where does libmusesampelr come from, how do I install it?
In reply to Where does libmusesampelr… by Are Jayem
It is installed automatically by Muse Hub. Normally it would have gone to /usr/lib on Linux, but this might have been disrupted by trying to pick an alternate install folder. I'd recommend uninstalling Muse Hub, then reinstalling it and this time doing the download to the default location (which of course at this point is a symbolic link to your desired true location). That would help things stay in sync.
In reply to It is installed… by Marc Sabatella
Presently I'm burned-out on troubleshooting. I may just wait for the official MS4 release, and any updates to MuseHub / Muse Sounds. BTW, said file is absent from /usr/lib
In reply to Presently I'm burned-out on… by Are Jayem
Missing library definitely means the install didn't work. Probably for the reason I stated, and the solution I gave will probably fix it. But if that's not it, just keep in mind, it's not going to fix itself just by waiting. So I understand being burned out right now, but still, you'd be doing yourself and other users a huge favor if you didn't actually wait for the release to resume troubleshooting. Maybe just take a week off then try to solution I gave.
In reply to Presently I'm burned-out on… by Are Jayem
I had the same problem and I just figured it out. I had to copy MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll into Musescore 4 "bin" folder. I extracted the MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll from 'MuseHub/Downloads/Installers/610ee8e7-40e7-4f12-96cf-b3806dc12e7d/'
I hope this helps
In reply to I had the same problem and I… by Hudson Holland
Normally that wouldn't be necessary but could be if something went wrong during the install. However, that would be the process on Windows - on Linux, the file is, and it goes in /usr/lib
In reply to Did you download Muse Sounds… by Marc Sabatella
Where do I go to get the Muse Sounds. It appears the MuseHub website is not active yet.
In reply to Marc, Where do I go to get… by odelphi231
Musehub is not a website, it's an application and you get it from the links in the beta announcement.
In reply to Musehub is not a website, it… by jeetee
Thanks. You obviously know where to find the beta announcement. I don't. Can you give me a hint where to find the beta announcement. What website, or where do I go on the Musescore website.
In reply to Thanks. You obviously know… by odelphi231
This very site, the Announcements forum. Sorry, I assumed you had already read the announcement and that was how you even knew there was a beta release of Muse Sounds,
In reply to This very site, the… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you. No, I only knew about the beta release and Muse Sounds by hearing people talking about it in comments and forums. But I didn't know where to get it, how to get it, nuttin.
In reply to Thank you. No, I only knew… by odelphi231
Interesting that you have been reading the forums but somehow missed that announcement, since the forums is exactly where the announcement happened, then! Anyhow, definitely put the Announcements forum on your regular reading list to stay up to date.
In reply to Interesting that you have… by Marc Sabatella
Yea, sorry. I usually don't read the announcements forum.
In reply to Did you download Muse Sounds… by Marc Sabatella
Hi, Marc!!!
I tested the last MuseScore 4 beta with the "new" Muse Sounds in my computer with Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1 LTS (64 bit) OS.
Simply... AWESOME!!!
But... I found five GREAT problems:
1) The whole Muse Sounds instruments bank (full package download) is about 13GB inside my HDD!!! it is extremely large to me (because my HDD is almost full). I think the team HAS to think about how to decrease the size, WITHOUT to affect the final quality.
2) I found a lot of playback problems (ugly STUTTER) when I used Muse instruments (when I used the standard soundfont, this problem is not present). I guess it is something related with memory buffers (due to the large size of the instruments bank). I don't know if this is a known issue, or just a local issue.
3) I often use the JACK Audio Connections Kit system inside my computer. Musescore 4 Beta doesn't let me the option to use it. I just can to use the "default" audio system (in my case, Pulse Audio). It is not a full relevant issue, I can full hear it, but... Why? ???
4) I don't have any kind of information about the SFZ files system technology, and I don't know if the "new" Muse Sounds is a SFZ system itself, but... I think the proper folder to this whole package should be the "standard" SoundFont folder inside the MuseScore standard main folder. Why is it inside a system folder ("svr" folder)? ???
5) The mixer panel is too large (I just have a typical 1280x1024 pixels monitor) and it is not "dockable". I almost cannot to see the score sometimes. I hope this issue will be fixed when the final stable version will be available. Also, I wonder... If Ubuntu Studio has the capability to have more than one working spaces (or desktops), which one can switch between them with a simple mouse click, Why MuseScore doesn't take advantage of this visual characteristic? We can have the main score on one working space, and the rest of panels on another working spaces. But... Today, we cannot get it. Maybe in the final version? ???
Well, it was my experience.
Greetings and Blessings from Chile.
In reply to Hi, Marc!!! I tested the… by jotape1960
I'm glad you're enjoying it!
I kind of doubt there is a way to reduce the size without sacrificing quality. Luckily, disk space is very cheap - a 100GB drive costs only $20 or less. But, you don't need to install all the sounds if you don't plan on using them all.
These aren't SFZ files and they aren't VST files - they are a new format. And it will eventually be possible to share them across multiple applications. I assume that's why they aren't within the MuseScore folder structure.
As far as I know, JACK is indeed not implemented yet. Hopefully in the future.
There is no plan to change the mixer design for the release, but I hear it's something being considered for a future update. I'm not sure what you mean about it not being dockable - it is docked by default, but can be undocked or redocked using the "..." menu.
In reply to I'm glad you're enjoying it!… by Marc Sabatella
I see.
What about the stutter sound? ???
In reply to I see. What about the… by jotape1960
Coud just be not enough RAM or a powerful enough CPU. Also, try a larger buffer size in Edit / Preferences / I/O. If problems persist, check sto see if there are similar issues already opened on GitHub, and if not, open a new one and attach your score.
In reply to Coud just be not enough RAM… by Marc Sabatella
I couldn't open it on GitHub.
But, I guess it is something related with the extremely large size of the Muse Sounds, because when I use another soundfont, there is not stutter or something.
Whatever, I think the development team HAS to think about the too bad economical moment of the world, specially in my beautiful country: Chile. Users have to think twice to use a new app which forces them to buy a new more powerful PC (it is not a cheap thing) exclusively to use that new app. And I don't know how much time we will have the today 3.6.2 version available. So...
In reply to I couldn't open it on GitHub… by jotape1960
Keep in mind, you don't need to use Muse Sounds to enjoy the other benefits of MuseScore 4. So you aren't forced to buy a more powerful computer in order to use MuseScore 4.
FWIW, though, it doesn't have to be a very powerful computer at all to use Muse Sounds - it's considerably less demanding on resources than pretty much anything that comes anywhere close to this level of quality. In fact it's really nothing short of amazing how good it sounds considering it doesn't require a ton of computing resources. I'm not sure what your system specs are, but it could be, just $50 for some more RAM is all you need to spend.
In reply to Hi, Marc!!! I tested the… by jotape1960
Quality sounds take a lot of space. Just the way it works. Sibelius sounds are 36 GB.
I have to use my Focusrite audio interface to get better playback of Muse Sounds.
In reply to Have you activated… by [DELETED] 1307581
That is not there for me.
In reply to That is not there for me. by NaturalFlats
Never mind, I have actually found the fix! Go to Musehub > Settings> Update Musescore 4.
In reply to Have you activated… by [DELETED] 1307581
I have the same problem as the OP but I simply don't see Playback Setup in my dropdown menu. Anyone know a fix for this? 16" Macbook Pro 2019 running MacOS 12.6 btw
In reply to I have the same problem as… by Hank Sullivan
Make sure you have the actual MuseScore 4 release, not some early prerelease. Also check the “…” menu in the Mixer.
Mines doing the same I looked at view and It did not say playback I downloaded all sounds and im lost lowkey need help yall
In reply to Mines doing the same I… by Koryanders16
Go to MuseHub>Settings>Update Musescore 4.