convert to QWERTY virtual notes

• Nov 10, 2022 - 18:38

is there any way to convert a sheet in musescore to a virtual piano sheet that you can play using your computer keyboard, and not an external MIDI keyboard?


Hard to say without a clearer description of what you are trying to do - is this a new form of music notation you are inventing, or is there a website out there that describes it? But most likely, whatever it is, a plugin could be written to convert to that format, if there is a clear definition of what the format actually is.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think frigconverts wants to play notes typin directly on the pc keyboard.
Years ago I did it with old music programms.
It was like letter z plays a C. Letter x plays a D. And so on. And for the black notes, letter s is C# and letter d plays a D#.

I don't think Muse Score can do that.

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