text cannot be deleted

• Nov 12, 2022 - 19:21

I've made a sheet for playing rhythms for guitar. It is amazing what can be achieved with Musescore!
But: on p.2 a certain piece of text ("3er ungerade Takte: 3/4, 6/8") in line 2 cannot be deleted?! It is not clickable with the mouse, it is on the screen, but is is not printed.
Does anyone know how I can get rid of it?
Thanks for your help!

Attachment Size
Begleitpattern v2023-01.mscz 34.42 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, that's it! Thank you very much! :-) Can you tell me what you've done? Is it something that a "normal" user without programming / debugging knowledge can also do?

The text fails to select because it was dragged out of the page it belonged to.
For fixing these I usually switch to Continuous View, where there are no pages. As such there is also no "off page" limit for selecting elements.

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