Highlight a staff with a thick line bug in Musescore 3 and 4 (beta): placement incorrectly (other than the selected 1st line),

• Dec 7, 2022 - 17:48

use a thick yellow line to highlight a voice part on selected measures in "continuous view", then switch to "page view", the placement of highlights are off other than the 1st line, the rest of lines are all off, need to move them one by one.

Changing the offset values of the highlight line does not help either, it only changes the line of where the measure is selected.


This is not as much a bug as a broken design.
When lines continue on different systems they are broken into so called "line-segments" and indeed each one of those has their own offset values; which in some cases is needed.

I do think this could be improved upon if when having the "base line" (for lack of a better description) selected and setting offset values they would propagate to all segments in it.

The other takeaway is that continuous view is not a good view to do page layout work in..

In reply to by jeetee

Segments or not is not the point here, e.g. if I select all my dynamics (each one has their own offset) and assign them an offset in inspector, they will be placed on the same relative positions based on the value.

In this case, when the line is selected, the whole line is highlighted, if I hit Delete, the whole line will be deleted, so one will think a value assigned to the line, it should be assigned to all the segments, to consistent with the normal behavior in Musescore.

Well, the best solution is to provide a highlight staff function, so people don't need to do it manually. (As a choir singer, I highlight my part all the time, mostly manually in forScore)

As for continuous view, I agree with you, I don't often do page layout there either.

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