Mallets indicators

• Dec 10, 2022 - 23:55

Hi! Just new kid in town.

Im using your soft and see something importatnt is the mallets indication feature (ms3 and 4).

I can help with some indications about design and with wich instruments you can use the mallet.

Thanks for the soft!


can you explain more about what you are looking for? MuseScore uses the standard SMuFL set of music symbols, common to all notation software - have you checked the Symbol palette? If it's something in use by publishers somewhere in the world, it's probably in SMuFL already. If not, you can propose the symbols to them, and then once added, MuseScore will be able to use them.

In reply to by dinipermar

These and all other SMuFL symbols are in the Symbols palette. Use View / Master Palette, and then click "Symbols". Type either "mallet" or "stick" into the search box to see quite a few symbols, or click the "beater pictograms" section. Again, if some are missing that you think would be there, contact the SmuFML folks. But there are quite a lot already:

Screenshot 2022-12-10 8.48.23 PM.png

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