Import .pdf

• Dec 11, 2022 - 17:37

Imported a relatively simple score of Hallelujah Chorus consisting of 8 instruments and SATB. The first 3 bars are missing notes and have incorrect values. The next few pages imported correctly, then sporadic incorrect notes and values appear. See drop file below. ...216.png is original, ...818.png is after import. Can this be corrected? If not, I will be unable to utilize this software.


Sure, errors like this can be corrected, but typically it takes more time and more expertise than simply entering the music normally. The AI that attempts to convert pictures of music into actual music just isn't that sophisticated yet. You could try different scanning software that might do a better job, but realistically, the time spent researching that hem, purchasing one, learning to use one, importing your score, and then probably still needing to correct errors. But it's almost certainly faster to just enter the music directly into MuseScore normally. It's not hard at all to learn the basics of note input - much easier than attaining the sort of expertise needed to correct the sort of errors these scanning programs typically make.

In reply to by carmelmt

FWIW, Audiveris (which the MuseScore PDF importer is based on) created an mxl of this chorus with only two measures that needed to be fixed. I found this version at random on IMSLP. Sorry, but if you plan to use a lot of PDF's, I think it is worth the time to install PDF software and spend the bit of time it takes to learn it. It just depends.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for your response. I guess I misunderstood when I was reading up on MuseScore, before I subscribed, that it had a good pdf importer feature. There are several MuseScore, scan-score websites and YouTube vids on pdf imports and converting it to MIDI using MuseScore. I do a lot of arranging and production work. I was just trying to find a time saver with score editing.

In reply to by carmelmt

I don't really need a PDF converter. I just happen to have a good one that came with different software that I paid for. I also downloaded free Audiveris. As already mentioned, it takes some setup and learning curve time. It just depends on what you are after. For example, I input notes with the mouse. It is very slow and deliberate. I would never consider entering a large finished score by hand. Why not learn input with keyboard shortcuts? Go ahead. I don't use notation software professionally. So speed is not that important. Obviously it is for some. I use MuseScore for composition. So my slow input method allows me to make sure every note is the one I want.

In reply to by carmelmt

You might want to read up on what you've subscribed to as well: the notation software itself is 100% free. The importer service offered by .com is so as well. But as you've experienced a default configured OMR conversion program without its tweaking and corrections interface is still very much hit-and-miss.

Now if you do want the benefits from the subscription of the score sharing platform, then by all means, be my guest. Just be aware of what you signed up for, it gives you no rights or benefits in relation to the notation software itself.

In reply to by jeetee

Thank you for clarifying. It certainly was not clear to me at the time. I cancelled my subscription and added a subscription to Sibelius Artist from my PT account for the same monthly rate as MuseScore. It performs all the tasks that I need and more. I thank everyone for their input. Holiday wishes to all.

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