Can't install MS 4 on Chromebook Hub Installed

• Dec 12, 2022 - 06:15

Hello, I am new to Chromebook and to the Linux environment. I have managed to install v.3 using the commands given in Linux made easy. I also managed to install the hub. But I can't for the life of me install v.4. I've tried both the articles in the handbook and on Mr Sabatella's site and I just get a no such file or directory error message. I m tearing my hair out.

Can anyone help with some clear instructions.

Sorry to be so hopeless!

Thanks in advance.


I'm also glad it's working! The install script I created will need to be updated for MuseScore 4, but also, it's mostly not needed anymore. The one thing it does that will still be useful is set up your folders so they are on your regular Google Drive account and can thus be shared across Chromebooks. You can do that manually if you like, but if you're not comfortable with Linux commands, maybe best to wait until I am able to provide a better solution.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc. Thanks so much for this. Your instructions were lovely and clear, it was the operator who was at fault. ;)
One thing I'm baffled by is the Hub gives me an option to download the sounds to a specific location but when I look for my SSD it doesn't show up in the next screen - only chrome drive and linux drive. I've shared all my devices with Linux. I was hoping to put my sounds on an external hard drive as there's not enough room on my chromebook. Any ideas?
BTW I have switched from Finale and am finding MuseScore so much faster and more intuitive. Big shout out to all you guys who worked so hard to make this dream come true.
Thanks in advance, and secial thanks because I know how busy you are.

In reply to by [DELETED] 57350085

Unfortunately, the option to download to a specific location works in general, but MuseScore can't find it unless it's in the standard location. So, even if you succeeded in the download, it wouldn't work.

But there is a potential solution here. You'd need to make /srv/muse-hub a symbolic link to the desired location, and do that before downloading the sounds. If you've already downloaded them elsewhere, you'll probably need to uninstall Muse Hub mand then do it again after setting up the link.

The details of how to setup the link depend on how your system is configured. But something like this:

sudo mkdir /srv
sudo ln -s /mnt/blah-blah-blah/srv/muse-hube /srv

where "/mnt/blah-blah-blah" is the path to access that drive from Linux.

Then go back to Muse Hub and try the download again, leaving the install folder at the default.

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