Unable to save workspaces

• Dec 15, 2022 - 01:49

I don't know if this is bugged or was left out of V4, but I can't seem to save my custom workspaces (placements of palettes/properties/navigator windows, custom palettes, etc). Any help/clarification is appreciated.


Not sure what you mean by "save: 0 they should be saved automatically., no explicit button required. you can however create a custom workspace so you can easily switch between different configurations. The control for this is in the bottom status bar.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your time and for confirming! I'm not sure what happened, but 3rd time's the charm it seems.

At first, all I did was move the properties panel to a different spot and open the navigator in the default workspace, explored a bit of the new features, then closed the program. When I came back, none of those changes were saved.
I did create a custom workspace and changed some of the things I originally mentioned and more, but those were not saved either when I closed and reopened the program again. Only the fact that I created a new workspace was saved.

I just tried it again, and everything worked just fine even after restarting! You can close this request.

In reply to by ShadowZtrike

Glad to hear it's working! I suspect one thing that might have been happening is having multiple windows open, then making different changes in different windows. That's definitely a complication of having multiple windows. Maybe next time try making the customizations at a time when you only have one window open, and then change workspaces or close the window to make sure the changes get saved correctly.

I am having the same problem. Musescore v4.0.2.230651553 on Windows 10. I only have one instance of Musescore open. I create a Palette, I work on my score, I save it, and when I reopen it, my custom Palette is gone. Has this been fixed?

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