Musescore 4 -- new copies automatically created

• Dec 17, 2022 - 04:35

Hi. I recently upgraded to Musescore 4 and so far I am really liking the new design! However, whenever I save my changes on a score, a copy is automatically created with the new changes. The copies do not update when I change the original, but a new copy is made every time I save. How do I either delete the copies or stop them?
Thank you!


Any chance you're actually using "Save a Copy" instead of "Save"?
Check the shortcuts listed for them in the File menu.

In reply to by TheClassicalOne

I'm going to guess that if you don't save locally, but directly to the cloud MuseScore fails to correctly set the score url for the could version into your score. You could try and check this source url value via File → Project Properties...
As such a new save is seen as a new upload instead of an update to the existing score.

I noticed this as well. I've been working on a score and saving periodically with CTRL-S, with 'save to the cloud' selected. Now, on my account, I have 5 different versions of the same piece! Is this a bug or a feature? Also, is there a way to fix it globally so when I save the file, it overwrites the old version on the cloud, rather than creating a new copy?

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