Bug: Clef and Time signature in same position

• Dec 21, 2022 - 16:04

I tried to change time signature and clef at the same and and they just overlap each other.

And also, it's REALLY annoying to fix as moving the time signature would also move the clef, and sometimes I clicked the barline instead.

*note: this only happens when you insert the time signature before changing clef.

Screenshot 2022-12-21 230354.jpg


If you've already set the new time signature, and don't want to mess anything up by deleting it and then adding it back, insert a measure before the meter change. Then, change the clef of the newly inserted measure. Once you've done that, you can delete the empty measure and the clef change will appear before the barline.

Did you add the clef within the measure? Don't do that, it belongs before the measure. So select the full measure before clicking the clef icon in the palette.

That said, it's a bug that it overlaps like this if you do make the mistake of adding the clef inside the measure. This has already been reported and has a pending fix that should be in the next update.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have a similar example. With MS3 simultaneous time and cleft change worked fine. With MS4 it fails and they overlap. With MS4 there is a system change but it works fine with MS3 when forced to change system.
I am also worried about the last sentense where cleft change would be allowed only at bar chage. Surely not? With time signature, of course but I have several examples where it would cause very peculiar notation.

Attachment Size
MS4_bar889.jpg 37.5 KB
MS3_bar889.jpg 78.29 KB

In reply to by jounip

As I mentioned, this is a known bug already fixed for the next update, so opting to worry about.

And I’m not saying there aren’t unusual special situations where it can make sense to place clef changes after the barline. But the original example wasn’t one of those situations. I was simply trying to help correct a common error people often make. But in those special cases where it is correct to move the clef after the barline, don’t worry - it is still supported it will continue to work exactly as it always has.

In fact you can already test the fix by installing a nightly build.

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