Musescore 3.6.2 - Repeat/Volta?

• Dec 31, 2022 - 15:08

How do I set the Time Feel to repeat 39 times for each Volta played?

I made a 2 measure repeat for now.

Happy New Year to the forum members and most of all the Development Team!!

Attachment Size
Repeat_Volta-X-Bars.mscz 10.21 KB


In reply to by drummerMan

I have found another simpler notation, though it requires a few more bars, see the attachment.
Again, I set only four repetitions to avoid a long wait during my test. For 39 repeats at measures 4, 11 and 18 set the play count to 39.
The D.S in 14 needs a check mark at 'Play repeats' in the inspector.
Without D.S. you can also insert measures 8 to 14 again after mesure 14, so that the score lengthens a bit more.

Attachment Size
Repeats.mscz 10.87 KB

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