8vb bassa property

• Jan 6, 2023 - 20:04

Using Musescore 4. When I mark a measure as 8vb (using properties) why does the program mark it as "8va"? the original score writes it as "8vb". thanks


In reply to by mb13brown

I meant the master palette. It contains all the symbols. In Musescore 3.6 you could copy the code of a symbol from the master palette. Either way, putting the symbol code for 8vb into the ottava text field should make it show 8vb if you want. See the text fields in the image

In reply to by steves123

Don't use the symbols from the Master palette.
Instead use the standard 8va bassa line from the Lines palette.
With the line selected look at its Properties panel and choose the Text panel in the Ottavas section:

Then you can change the Beginning Text and the Text when continuing to a new system to whatever you choose. For example:

As mentioned by Jojo-Schmitz the approved and traditional text displays as 8va.
Using 8vb is not recommended, whatever some publishers have done in the past.

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Ottava_line_text_panel_in_Properties.jpg 18.25 KB

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