Confusing 'Corruption' Message (MS4)

• Jan 8, 2023 - 19:27

I have this score I've been putting a ton hours into recently that out of nowhere started giving the message 'File is Corrupted" when opened. If I click Ignore, the file opens and plays just fine, I haven't found any problems, but I'm worried there might still be something wrong with the score... any idea why this might be happening?

Attachment Size
Mundus_Soni v2.mscz 47.73 KB


You wrote:
I haven't found any problems...

Look at measure 100 near the end of your score. Notice the lack of full measure rests on the majority of staves. Since it is near the end of your present score, use menu item: Tools > Remove empty trailing measures to get rid of the corruption(s).
Then append brand new empty (non- corrupted) measures to continue.

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