partwise.dtd not reachable because is down

• Jan 10, 2023 - 08:06

We just found that has been down for quite some time now, which keeps us from parsing musicxml's exported from MuseScore because the required partwise.dtd and its references cannot be found.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

And got a first answer there:

This might sound ironic, but I believe that the URL in a DOCTYPE definition exists only for uniquely identifying a resource. It does not have to resolve to an actual address. That's always been an odd and confusing part of XML in some ways (though in the same boat, Recordare hasn't existed as an independent organization since MakeMusic bought the MusicXML rights and then later released them to W3C) but it's been a part of the specification for some time.

I will try to make it so that 4.1's preferred DOCTYPE resolves to a URL that actually exists, pointing to the .xsd definition in all cases.

And I will try to see if MakeMusic can get back up or if they're willing to transfer the domain name.

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