OK to ask a non-MuseScore music notation question in this forum?
I have some sheet music downloaded from MusicNotes and I'm puzzled by something that looks like an error? Is it OK to ask about it in this forum?
I have some sheet music downloaded from MusicNotes and I'm puzzled by something that looks like an error? Is it OK to ask about it in this forum?
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Aren't the files taken from that site copyrighted?
But a picture of the wrong measures (?) I think you could attach it.
In reply to Aren't the files taken from… by Shoichi
Well OK Here Goes! This song is in D two sharps. My puzzlement is over the topmost red-circled C in the bass clef. I'm thinking the topmost one really should have a natural symbol in front?
This leads to a 2nd question: If that uppermost C were truly a C#, shouldn't the slash chord symbol above be written "G/C#" ?
In reply to Well OK Here Goes! This song… by [DELETED] 40288411
Yes, it should, either/or