Custom text for ritardando in Musescore 4

• Feb 11, 2023 - 02:01

Hi folks!

I love the new ritardando (and rall and accel) features in Musescore 4, they make writing more fluid pieces MUCH easier. :) In version 3 this was only possible by adding a text element, which didn't play the tempo change but had the benefit of allowing you to edit the text to be exactly what you wanted.

In my particular case, I'm working on a score where I only want the rit. to apply on the last repeat -- I don't expect Musescore can or would be able to play that back, but I would love to be able to customize the text of rit. to say "rit. (last repeat only) ....." for performance purposes, even if playback always plays it.

In the meantime I'm simply using text to accomplish this and missing playback.

Awesome job y'all, you're amazing people for putting this together.


I would love to be able to customize the text of rit. to say "rit. (last repeat only) ....."

  1. Select the rit. or rall.
  2. Choose Properties > Appearance > Tempo change > switch from Style tab to Text tab
  3. Edit the Beginning text property to match your instruction

In reply to by DanielR

Oh my! Thank you, this is exactly what I needed and it wasn't clear in the manual or from a Google search. Super appreciated follow-up, thank you!

And it goes without saying this feature request can be closed, I'll see if I can do that after I post this reply.

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