Fixing a rhythmic error earlier in a measure.

• Feb 15, 2023 - 02:54

I accidentally added a note to beat two in a measure. MuseScore re-wrote the following notes. How can I erase the wrong note to get the measure back to normal without retyping all the notes, lyrics, dynamics, and articulations? (See attached)
The lower picture is what it should be. The upper picture shows the mistake when my finger hit the track pad, adding the super low note. (I noticed this after I'd done a lot of other work, so I couldn't just hit undo). I tried changing the quarter-rest and the super low note to eighths, which would leave room to change the third note back into a half-note, but MuseScore automatically adds eighth-rests between them. There must be a simple solution like just deleting the wrong note!

Attachment Size
IMG_4185.JPG 1.93 MB


Select the red note, type F 6 and adjust the octave position with ctl+arrow keys as needed OR move the red note back into position with arrow keys and click the minim button on the tool bar.

Observation: resetting the entire bar would have taken 1/10 of the time of writing your post.

In reply to by aaronmcdermid

According to the picture that you've included of your intention, the red note is to be transformed into a F5 minim.

If your intention is something else then you'll need to explain. Deleting the red note AND then what is supposed to happen? Are the notes ahead in the bar or the whole score supposed to move back one quarter note? Is the count of the bar to change? There are so many possibilities.

The only way I can see to do it is to delete the wrong note, add the proper note on beat two, re-enter the "no" lyric. And be done with it.

In general, the way to move notes is cut & apste - that hold whether it's just one note you want to move or a hundred. So, select the notes you want to move (as a range selection - be sure you see a blue rectangle), Ctrl+X, select the destination, Ctrl+V. In this particular case it seems you'll also need to fix the duration by clicking the half note icon.

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