Please don't make me change the page size for this...

• Feb 20, 2023 - 19:29

I just want this to be one 8 bar line pleassseee
The quarter notes can be just a little closer together and nothing bad will happen i promise

Otherwise, great software.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2023-02-20 at 14.27.12.png 68.52 KB


In reply to by yonah_ag

I'll try that next time, but what I'm really getting at here is that this needs to be a feature (with a keyboard shortcut, don't make me open another control panel) that effects these eight measures ONLY and not the entire score globally.

Like the "Make into system" feature from Sibelius. The one and only thing I miss about that program.

I don't want to make anything smaller, I don't want to mess with the page size, I just want the quarter notes to be a little closer together. If that effects legibility for that one line of music (which it won't, realistically) then so be it.

If there's a way to do this, let me know, but this isn't really a "help me" post so much as a "why isn't this a thing I can do please implement this" post.

Sorry for the snark

In reply to by -Stef-

No problem: you just needed to be a little more explicit in the first place then I would've understood what you were getting at and would have avoided a useless answer. You should raise a request in the official issues tracker: level S5 is for suggestions.

(I presume that you have already tried layout stretch:

Sorry this isn't doable with a shortcut. That doesn't mean it isn't a thing.
It is doable without opening another panel in MS4. You didn't say what version you are using. In 3 or four it is doable without making the whole staff smaller. I've never done this before, yet I found it relatively quickly.
In MS4 you range select the seven measures you want to compress. select the "Properties" tab in the palette area. You might have to add this from the "View" menu. Select "Appearance" and lower the Measure Width number until the 8th measure moves up. You might have to select it and lower its width to match the others. Sorry. not a short cut. It might even work selecting all eight measures. I didn't try that.

In MS3, range select the seven measures. Select Format/Style/measure and change the Note to Barline distance, then OK. Again, it might work selecting all eight measures.

FWIW I don't use the Make System shortcut. But I do miss being able to add measures at the end of a piece by selecting one and hitting "R" as many times as I need. And CTRL select non adjacent measures and have playback of just those parts start there. And Drumset note input. But MuseScore is different software.

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