How to add Pedal markings without a line or asterisk in v4?
In v4, the Pedal styles have lines with various styles, or a terminating asterisk with/without connecting line from the Ped text. There is no style sans line or termination.
1. Drag the line back to less than the length of the word Ped. However I have found that copying this around or re-applying it as a style sometimes has the line reappearing (at random lengths), so there is no time-saving.
2. Write Pedal manually. However this is aesthetically incompatible with the usage of other Ped markings with lines/terminations. It's also not a good future-proofing against active Pedal markings.
NB the option box to hide the line calls the terminating symbol a rosette, rather than an asterisk which is the term used in the tool-tip.
Try selecting Ped and use Properties (F8) to bring the thickness to 0.01
In reply to Try selecting Ped and use… by Shoichi
This is not consistent with similar features which have a Show Line checkbox
Also doesn't address terminology inconstistency
In reply to This is not consistent with… by memeweaver
"This is not consistent with similar features which have a Show Line checkbox"
Consistency matters!