On musescore.COM - link 'audio.com'

• Feb 25, 2023 - 17:20

I happened to see the link to 'audio.com' under "Our Products" on the MS.COM site. So I clicked through, and from what I can initially see, it is something about offering participants who sign-on, a place to upload their AUDIO...

Rather than just jump in, I thought I'd ask what people know / have experience with this? Thanks.


FWIW, I created a profile on 'audio.com' and uploaded a few pieces. Will report back on my experiences there. It took 90 minutes to get the 'feel' for navigating and uploading pieces.

In reply to by bobjp

One wonders what the "big picture" is, in Muse's administrative leadership's minds... I hope, down the road, they don't get greedy and start to chase profitability by making MuseSounds subscription-based. Or some other corporate structural change.

While there's little to compare with, say, Steinberg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinberg), what better way to do it, than to offer free for long enough to amass a healthy user-base, then convert it to pay-to-play.

I've been using it here and there since it was first announced a year or so ago. Seems useful, but it also seems pretty clear they don't really have a vision for it yet. I know it's considered part of the Audacity product line in the same way musescore.com is part of the MuseScore line. So you'll probably find more discussion of it on Audacity forums.

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