Note Appearance (Color) when Inverted Score is active

• Mar 2, 2023 - 01:34


I have found that you can change the colour of a note in Properties > Appearance > Color. However, it seems that if Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Invert Score is active, then the colour of the note does not actually change. (If I disable Invert Score it does work.)

Would it be possible to make the custom colours work for the inverted score as well? Hopefully this is as easy as changing the order of the operations.

Thank you very much!



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I see, thank you very much!
I can't currently access my Github account so can't comment there, but for MarcSabatella's proposal:
That would e.g. send full blue (#0000ff) on white to black on black. Would it not make more sense to swap S and V, so that dark red is pink and vice-versa while bright red remains bright red?

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