Plugins: Division & Tick

• Mar 4, 2023 - 01:09

This page:…
describes that the division value is defined as the number of ticks in a quarter note, and that the value of division is a read only property of the PluginAPI object.

How is the value of division set in the score and what is the formula for its value?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

And that goes to the heart of my question. I have seen division in mscx files and now I understand that a quarter note has this number of ticks. However, is division always 480 by definition or is there a formula for its value and a possibility of it ever being other than 480?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It's also baked into MusicXML, but - MusicXMl does allow you to override it. I think on import this all still gets converted to base-480, as probably a ton of things would go wrong if not. But actually, MuseScore barely uses this internally anymore, not since 3.1 or so - durations are represented using actual fractions. But I guess that's no represented in the plugin API.

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