Piano piece
I used MS 4 to write this little piano piece, and thought you might enjoy it:
Mes Regrets
BTW, while everyone here is always glad to answer questions, it may be worth mentioning that this part of the forum is:
Maybe it'd help to include the section subtitles in the sections?
Thank you! I really enjoyed your piece, the color changes and the mood it radiates.
Sidenote: the DC al Coda operates as a DS al Coda.
In reply to Thank you! I really enjoyed… by [DELETED] 135427
Gosh, you're right—thanks! I never noticed, because in playback, MS ignored my wrong phrase and returned to the Segno. In other words, it was smarter than me... But that's not surprising. 😆
Good job, really enjoyed it.
In reply to Good job, really enjoyed it. by Voentorg
😊 It's the first piece I've shared online in this kind of format, so I appreciate your kind comments.