Fixing chord duration in sheet imported from PDF

• Apr 10, 2023 - 18:33


I imported a PDF into a MuseScore 4 and it has done quite a good job. Nevertheless, there are some chords with wrong duration (last beaf of measure 11, for example) with which I am struggling to change the duration.
Also there are some missing divisions (measure 26, for instance). Would you be so kind as to instruct me on how could I fix these two issues with the least steps possible?

thank you so much once again for your support,

Attachment Size
Samba pro Rapha.mscz.mscz 55.67 KB


In general, there is no magic bullet for the numerous mistakes made by AI programs that attempt to convert pictures into music. It's just a process of painstakingly finding incorrect durations, correctly them via the toobar or shortcut., removing beats from measures via Ctrl+Delete, and so on. With luck, it might not take longer than entering the music by hand. But normally hand entry is faster and more accurate.

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