Repeat Bug

• May 3, 2023 - 01:09

I noticed this bug was in the previous version and it has been carried over to this version as well. I'm arranging a multi movement work and the final measure of a movement has repeat dots. I put a section break after that measure to start the new movement but when I hit playback, Musescore will play up to that measure, pause, and then repeat back to the beginning of the phrase it's supposed to instead of immediately repeating the phrase. Musescore seems to have a problem with playback of the last measure of a movement or section if it has repeat dots. My theory is that it puts a pause there to put a space between movements regardless of what barline is there and then realizes there's repeat dots and then goes back. The only way I've worked around this issue is to put an empty bar between movements but I'd rather not do that every time. Is there a way to fix that?

Attachment Size
Musescore repeat bug.mscz 32.86 KB


The only way I've worked around this issue is to put an empty bar between movements...

Another way....
You can set the pause of the section break to zero seconds.

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