Moving Voices

• May 26, 2023 - 09:43

When moving a line of music in voice 1 to voice 2 or 3 (and presumably 4) using Ctrl+Alt 2 creates a set of rests in voice 1 which have to be manually made invisible before printing


That is correct. The rests in voice 1 indicate that voice 1 is resting while voice 2 is not. Without those rests the voice 1 player/singer would not know they should not be playing/singing.

The question is, why are you moving the notes to voice 2? If you then want to add voice 1 later you will he overwriting those voice 1 rests. If not, the rests are needed.

See for more information on how and why to use multiple voices.

If you really want those rests invisible then right click on one and select similar same voice. Then you can make them all invisible in one go with shortcut V. See

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