music annotation
I have been having this issue about tied staccato notes. Whenever i would tied two notes together and add 2 staccatos to those 2 notes, it would never re-articulate. theres this song called Arvory by Lucky Chops and it uses a lot of that. you could check out transcriptions here on musescore and youll see what im talking about. please i want this issue fixed i dont know if its only me or other people are dealing with it too
you could click on my profile to check out the problem
In reply to you could click on my… by dbfollowme
I guess you mean
In reply to I guess you mean https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
What is a tied staccato note?
In reply to What is a tied staccato note? by underquark
staccato tied notes*
In reply to What is a tied staccato note? by underquark
Usually to play as portato, Louré
In reply to Usually to play as portato,… by [DELETED] 135427
In reply to Usually to play as portato,… by [DELETED] 135427
In which case, not tied but slurred, but I can't tell if slurs or ties have been used in this piece.
In reply to In which case, not tied but… by underquark
its tied to a note but with staccatos
In reply to its tied to a note but with… by dbfollowme
I suppose the difficulty in understanding the exchanges comes from the fact that it is unexpected to place a staccato on a note that is not attacked?
In reply to its tied to a note but with… by dbfollowme
What you have written at the moment makes no sense, surely. If you want those tied notes to re-articulate, then omit the tie and keep both dots. If the ties are to mark the syncopation, then put a dot on the second note only.
In reply to What you have written at the… by Brer Fox
Just listened to the piece ('official video'). There is no re-articulation. So the advice of Brer Fox is to the point.
In reply to Just listened to the piece … by [DELETED] 135427
you can check out transcriptions on here and it’s written the same way but for me it’s not doing the same you should check out it
In reply to you can check out… by dbfollowme
That check I did before posting. If those transcriptions aim at a reproduction of the piece as played they are just not correct notation. Use the advice of Brer Fox if your aim is the same. It is syncopated.
In reply to That check I did before… by [DELETED] 135427
Indeed. A tie extends the duration of the first note - it is nonsense to add staccato dots to both notes and MuseScore quite correctly doesn't do so. Just because other posters have done it doesn't mean they are right!
I've attached examples of how it should be written. (I'm sorry that I haven't had time to line up the individual notes to make it clearer)
In reply to Indeed. A tie extends the… by Brer Fox
i understand what youre saying but thats not how i wanna write it i want to write it how its written because how i wrote it, Lucky Chops offical wrote it the same way it was posted on a instagram story. i just want to fix the issue with the staccato tied
In reply to i understand what youre… by dbfollowme
You can write it how you want, but just as a human musician won't understand tied staccato notes and will play whatever they think makes sense to them, same with MuseScore. If you have a specific sound you want to hear, best to just write it in the standard way. if you wish to write one thing but hear something different, silence the notes you wrote using the Properties panel, then add the notes you really meant to another staff and mark it hidden.
In reply to That check I did before… by [DELETED] 135427
The only thing I can think of is that maybe tied staccato notes mean some kind of accent. In which case to get playback to work you'd need an accent instead of staccato. Regardless of what other transcriptions do. Tied staccato notes just make no sense.
In reply to The only thing I can think… by bobjp
Or a combined accent and dot - I think there’s one in the articulations palette. The original video demonstrates how it should be played.