"proper" way to write the parts order

• Jul 29, 2023 - 23:09

Neo-folk player/composer here. I am looking for a practical way to write an order to the parts of my piece. On paper I would usually add something like:
[intro] [A] [B] [A] [B] [C] [D] [C] [D] [A][B][A1] [OUTRO]

which then would be covered by a lot of handwritten notes like "lightly" or "more satan" or "flute impro".
I'm looking for something more normalised :D

  • I know I can set the parts in the musescore timeline for correct playback, but I am looking for a visual cue for the players
    ** I want to avoid writing the whole piece in an orchestra score style, I am aiming more at jazz lead sheet style notation. It is very important that the whole tune fits on 1, maximum 2 pages


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