Notating numbers
I would like to notate the following pitches:
How can I do this?
I would like to notate the following pitches:
How can I do this?
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Tune to A=432 Hz and write C3 to C4.
See here
In reply to Tune to A=432 Hz and write… by AndreasKågedal
Thanks AndreasKågedal, but I don't think you understand this problem? I want to notate any numbers that I choose. All of those numbers on the chart you linked to were numbers chosen by someone else. If I tune Musescore to 432hz, it will not output the numbers I have selected to work with but will output numbers of it's own choosing, programmed by some other person who is not engaged in my composition. I want these people OUT of my composition entirely! LOL
Most of those notes on that chart are abbreviated irrationals. I only specified one abbreviated irrational in my list of numbers. Every other number on my list is a whole number. I want exactly these numbers. If I said I wanted 440, 441, 442, 443 and 444, then that is what I want to notate, exactly. As a matter of fact, I would very much like to notate this latter list also.
I want to compose using pure mathematics.
In reply to Thanks AndreasKågedal, but I… by Rockhoven
Ok. So, is your question if there is a standardized way to notate music with pitches in Hz, instead of regular "C, D, Eb" type of pitches? and how such a notation would look (on paper)?
Or are you less interested in a notation system, and more interested in how to make MuseScore play a score where the pitches are specified in Hz?
In reply to Ok. So, is your question if… by AndreasKågedal
Perhaps csound is something you would want to try.
In reply to Perhaps csound is something… by AndreasKågedal
I want to notate and play back the numbers of my own choosing. IOW, I want Musescore to accept numerical input along with standard mathematical operations, just as I notated above. 440/2=220, then INPUT 220, while Musescore saves a copy of the complete equation (which was 440/2=220). 441/3=147, 147x2=294 INPUT 294. I want to hear all of the numbers in the sound spectrum.
In reply to I want to notate and play… by Rockhoven
It is my assumption that MuseScore will never support this.
MuseScore is a music engraving application, with the main purpose of producing printed scores readable by humans. But which also have a good and improving playback.
I really think you should have a go with csound instead.
In reply to It is my assumption that… by AndreasKågedal
Does Csound do exactly as I described? Can it handle the numbers that I choose and process them according to the mathematical operations that I employ?
In reply to Does Csound do exactly as I… by Rockhoven
You provide pitches in Hz in Csound, but i don't know if it can do the arithmetic. Perhaps you would have to do that outside CSound. Read the documentation and experiment!
An other alternative might be music21 which is a python library. You can do anything there, I think. Including exporting as a MusicXML (and hopefully the frequency specifics would be included.)
I don't think That is what I want to do. I want to use MUSESCORE as a tool for studying harmonics and mathematics and composition. I am talking about developing the notation and composition program called Musescore so that it is ultra sensitive to the imagination of the artist, and so that students and teachers of music and mathematics can both enjoy the benefits. A child can learn to compose as soon as they learn the number system and can count multiples, divide, add and subtract. They can hear what a number sounds like. They can play with Musescore in their spare time and do homework with Musescore,.They can plug the number 100 into the program, multiply it by 2 and hear the octave. They can do anything they want at a very early age without having to learn the stave system.
I envision this as the traditional score mode, a Composer's Calculator and also a traditional score mode that is a calculator in itself. So in that mode, I can plug in a tempo (like 100.) Then, when I get to a bar line, I can click on it and simply put a mathematical operator and a number into it (like +10 or x2) and the tempo will be altered (to 110 or 200 respectively.) I envision the entire composition process as a mathematical skill and art.
I spose it would be good to replace (I don't mean to imply the discarding of the old system) the stave entirely with one line staves and just pile numbers on to the single lines. Something like this:
5040 (operator: x 2 = 10080)
Where 5040 is the root and 10080 is the 8ve.
5040 (operator: x 2 = 10080) Instead of the note head would be the number 5040. Then 10080 on top. To get the 5th of 5040 divide it by 2 and multiply it by 3. Or divide it by 3 and multiply it by 2, depending on whether the 5th is to be above or below the tonic of 5040. In all cases the mathematical operations are stored by the Musescore program. All that would appear on the score would be the numerical values of the notes.
Basically, the user would be able to use this system more like how the developers use it. We could divide a selected 8ve into 9 (or 10 or 11...) equal parts and do some arithmetic with those parts. We can use our imaginations with numbers just as mathematicians do.
Kids could be using Musescore to compose music as soon as they learn the basic rules of math - in the 2nd and 3rd grade. In fact they can start earlier than that because they can just fiddle with it to hear what different numbers sound like. They can be using Musescore in preschool. The 2nd and 3rd graders can show them how to use it.
In reply to I don't think That is what I… by Rockhoven
53 68 6F 75 6C 64 20 6F 6E 65 20 65 78 74 65 6E 64 65 64 20 74 68 69 73 20 69 64 65 61 20 66 75 72 74 68 65 72 20 61 6E 64 20 68 61 76 65 20 70 72 65 2D 73 63 68 6F 6F 6C 65 72 73 20 63 6F 6D 6D 75 6E 69 63 61 74 65 20 69 6E 20 48 65 78 61 64 65 63 69 6D 61 6C 3F
In reply to I don't think That is what I… by Rockhoven
OK, fair enough. You've laid out the what and how. But a little short on why. Oh you say it's to help kids to learn math and composition (using math).
My problem is that Western music isn't really based on math. Oh sure, we use certain math-like concepts to describe music. But it is entirely possible to learn an instrument and play it without knowing any math. Or even knowing how to read music.
And I don't know where you live, but in the US music has been mostly removed from lower grades because it isn't as important as other classes.
It's fine that you want to develop whatever your system is. So MuseScore is open source. Have at it. But I think notation software just isn't the way to do it. You want to replace notes with numbers. And not just any numbers. You think multiplying 100 by 2 equals an octave. Interesting. I assume that software will be the only thing that can read your music.
You think kids ( who have enough to do just learning basic skills) will understand writing music.
In reply to OK, fair enough. You've laid… by bobjp
pls try musescore 3 and euwbah/matt28's (* not Keenan Pepper's plugin of the same name) to quench your maths thirst.
see also Tuning systems, microtonal notation system, and playback
@AndreasKågedal & msfp. Thanks for this information.
In reply to @AndreasKågedal & msfp… by Rockhoven
I would need help getting that to work.
In reply to @msfp I would need help… by Rockhoven
Do you mean the musescore 3.6 plugin? its github main page and have detailed instructions.
This should give an indication of what I am talking about.