Solving issue has priority IMO.
Do you want the grid displayed in the 'Edit grid' window?
Displaying it in the Score window would cause extreme clutter.
Do you want some notification of the grid size in (partial) sp units, e.g. in the Statusbar?
Please elaborate. Edit: which advantage/benefit would this have?
No, I want the grid displayed directly on the score (something like a toggle switch button), because it would be easier to align some stuff like figured bass.
Currently aligning a figured bass with the previous one is not consistent (with snap to grid on), sometimes it works, sometimes not.
It behaves like if there was two grids to align, with one grid a little bit off the first one.
Please explain. A 'timewise' grid? Or in the sense of ?
In reply to Please explain. A 'timewise'… by [DELETED] 135427
Yep, the grid from the "snap to grid" option.
In reply to Yep, the grid from the "snap… by AlainGeneva
Solving issue has priority IMO.
Do you want the grid displayed in the 'Edit grid' window?
Displaying it in the Score window would cause extreme clutter.
Do you want some notification of the grid size in (partial) sp units, e.g. in the Statusbar?
Please elaborate. Edit: which advantage/benefit would this have?
In reply to Solving issue https://github… by [DELETED] 135427
No, I want the grid displayed directly on the score (something like a toggle switch button), because it would be easier to align some stuff like figured bass.
Currently aligning a figured bass with the previous one is not consistent (with snap to grid on), sometimes it works, sometimes not.
It behaves like if there was two grids to align, with one grid a little bit off the first one.
In reply to No, I want the grid… by AlainGeneva
Yes, as per reference the grid functions sub-optimal.
Edit: see also Clarify snap to grid dialog on
What about something like the dashed lines that represent spacing columns? To prevent extreme clutter?…