Using computer keyboard to enter chords
I'd like to learn to use the computer keyboard to enter music--if I practice, I know I can be very quick at it. Is there a way to enter notes in a chord without having the cursor move forward each time, so that I'm not hitting the back arrow a lot?
Yes - see the Handbook here:…
In reply to Yes - see the Handbook here:… by Brer Fox
I've added notes to a chord using Shift-A, etc., but when I do that, the cursor does go to the next rest/note instead of staying on the current one in order to add more. Is there a way to change that behavior that I'm just not seeing?
In reply to I've added notes to a chord… by caresrg
Yes, the cursor moves but notice the original note is still selected. Continue to hold SHIFT and add the other notes. You can do the same with notes already in the score. Select the note,hold SHIFT and add notes to make a chord.
In reply to Yes, the cursor moves but… by bobjp
Thank you! :)
In reply to Thank you! :) by caresrg
I learned something, too. I don't enter chords that way. And probably won't. But you never know>
In reply to I learned something, too. I… by bobjp
How do you enter them?
In reply to How do you enter them? by [DELETED] 1307581
Maybe just with the mouse?
In reply to Maybe just with the mouse? by HildeK
"Just with the mouse" does not work for me, even if holding down the Shift key.
In reply to "Just with the mouse" does… by DanielR
Works for me though (no Shift needed) and is my normal modus operandi
In reply to "Just with the mouse" does… by DanielR
I am using MuS3.6.2 on Windows.
In note input mode I can either use the note names or the mouse. If I set e.g. a C and then on the same beat I can set other notes, above or below.
See the demo video.
In reply to I am using MuS3.6.2 on… by HildeK
Adding my voice to the choir. Favorite method is Alt + 1...9 for interval above and - after editing the shortcuts file - Shift + 2...8 for interval below.
Edit: when needing a note in voice 2 I often add a note below the lowest note and press Ctrl + Alt + 2.