Changing a C measure to 3/4

• Oct 8, 2023 - 20:43

I uploaded a score to Musescore and am in the process of correcting some errors. The piece is a Chopin Waltz in 3/4 but Musecore put the 1st full measure as C (4/4). It won't let me change that measure to 3/4 - stating you "can't split tuple". I have tried deleting the measure and then adding it back but it continues to be 4/4. I have also tried measure properties and changed it to 3/4 but still same results. Any suggestions?

I also tun into the problem of Musescore upload adding notes/rests to a measure beyond its time signature which can't be simply deleted. My work around to that is to copy the notes that are correct, add a new measure, paste the notes into it, then delete the corrupted measure. If there is an easier way I am all ears.

Attachment Size
Chopin op. 69.2 Waltz Eotvos.mscz 38.53 KB


When I open it there seem to be corruptions in several bars, odd lengths in many. Did you enter this music into MuseScore or get it from a PDF or other source file?

In reply to by jpstewball1

The PDF has a bad quality! The dashed lines are artifacts of the copy. And it contains a lot of additional information in the form of numbers and letters, which are probably interpreted as triplets. The original has no triplets at all!

If there would then be a cross-bar triplet due to the change from 4/4 to 3/4, the time signature change is rejected. Also wrong measure lengths lead to this.
I think you have to do a lot of work to correct this in MuseScore. You won't have much fun with it! Probably even more work than it would have taken to do a manual transcription. That's what I would have done ...

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