time signature changes to individual parts

• Oct 19, 2023 - 18:20

I'm working on a piece for two pianos. I was able to change one part from 9/8 to 3/4 but now I wish to revert to 9/8 and Musescore won't let me. Have you any suggestion?
Thanking you in advance.

Attachment Size
Piece for two pianos.mscz 70.32 KB


In reply to by Maoilseachlainn

OK, in fact I'm using Linux Mint and I opened the folder in which this piece is. I had access to the excerpts folder and was able to delete the two parts Piano 1 and 2.
I reopened the piece in Musescore and the change of time signature worked.
I'll know in future not to look at individual parts until I'm finished!
This may not work under Microsoft or Apple.
BTW I originally used the software on windows 10 but there was a problem with the sound in playback. there was an awful amount of reverb but on linux there is no such problem.
Many thanks again for your help.

In reply to by Maoilseachlainn

FWIW, I opened you score and went to the end of the music. I selected the last measure of the top line and hit "R". The measure copied into the next measure. Just like it is supposed too. Then I tried the same with the 1st measure of the top line of piano 2. I got an error wanting me to select the complete tuplet and try again. It seems like you were never really in 3/4. At least MuseScore seems to be trying to make sense of 9/8 and 3/4 at the same time.

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