continuous view on ipad

• Sep 20, 2023 - 08:31

Can you help please, I use "my songbook" to create particular practice pieces for students. I have returned from Summer vacation to find the "button" missing as an option on my songbook files on ipad. The particular feature is what would be "continuous view" on the desk top version. All that is available now is "larger note size" which really only gives one page at a time rather than continuous view. I've tried various different files all which worked fine before June but no longer do so. Any guidance appreciated.
Link to dropbox of file I created before that I can no longer get to display :'iomadh%20Rud%20A…


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo, can you help please. I am at my wits end with IOS on the ipad. I know this section is for and the lovely things that are going on there ..... but! There is absolutely no response from anybody for issues on mobile. I cannot seem to get anybody to respond to any of my queries in any way from that part of the organisation. I have had to stop using my ipad for teaching due to these issues. So this impacts me greatly. No raising of issues on their discussions or requests for a response has any reaction at all. Is there a name, email , phone number you can suggest where I might get any reaction? Any guidance appreciated. Paul

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