Is this kind of music possible to be developed solely in MS4?

• Nov 4, 2023 - 21:28

I wonder if this kind of music possible to be developed solely in MS4?

I haven't quite pinpointed what makes it so different from what we usually have in MS4 playback. The number of instruments doesn't seem to be big. In the beginning what we are hearing there - well, what I am hearing there - is just a piano and some electronic instrument. However, the sound is magnificent and I've never encountered anything quite like it in MS4. Not sure I understand what makes it so different. Lush reverb perhaps? Something else?


It does seem to use a miriad of different effects and processing plugins. If you want to make music like this, I would recommend going for a DAW and not notation software.

If you really are hell-bent on producing this type of music in musescore, (which really can only be considered a fun challenge and nothing else as musescore really isn't made for this type of music and considering how much easier it is in a DAW;) you are able to add plugins in the mixer (see: ).

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