On the regeneration of trills
I'm using musescore 4.1. When trills are nonated in both hands, they don't play correctly.
This happens when I use the musescore4 application, but when I convert it to a midi file and play it with other software, it plays correctly.
The files are attached below. The relevant section is bar 89, beat 3.
Attachment | Size |
Allegro de Concert Op. 46.mscz | 105.87 KB |
There are notation rules. And there are notation software rules. More accurately, notation software "realities".
For the measure in question, here are some of the software realities. As is, the upper notes do not trill. And the trill is too slow. First, don't use the trill with a line. Use just the "tr" in both hands. In MU4 it seems that trill speed is tied to tempo. The slower the tempo, the slower the trill. You have a tempo of 30, so the trill is slow.
This brings us the the other problems with this score. This score may be fine to hand to a real player. But Not for notation software to play. There are so many incorrect measures that I'm surprised it hasn't crashed. I often have two score for a project. One for proper playback and one to hand to real players.
For example, I assume that the notes after the trill in measure 89 are intended to be grace notes. They should be notated as such for the software to read them correctly. And not have a "+" appear in the measure.
One way to get playback for measure 89 would be like this.
Notice no ties on the trill notes across the bar line MU4 won't play trills on tied nots across bar lines. But playback sounds proper. Of course you wouldn't hand something like that to a real player.
In reply to There are notation rules… by bobjp
It played correctly in musescore3, but musescore4 still seems to have limitations. Noted. I hadn't thought of preparing separate scores. Thank you very much.