Curved Arpeggio Sign / Arpeggio Playback

• Dec 23, 2023 - 22:17

Dear MuseScore Team,
First off, thank you for your time and effort in developing MuseScore. It is a great tool for making and sharing sheet music.
Now for the request:
It would be great if your team could add the Curved Arpeggio Sign to the Arpeggios and Glissandi menu in MS4. A lot of the style of music I transcribe with MS utilizes these arpeggio symbols. It would be very helpful if this feature were added. A discussion of what it is and what it means can be found at this article (sorry, the only source that I found for this was from the Dorico page):…
Also, if there is any way for you to make the arpeggios and grace notes play BEFORE the beat, this would be immensely helpful for not just me, but my fellow transcribers on The attached MuseScore file explains what I mean by this.
Thank you very much for your consideration,

Attachment Size
Grace Note Example.mscz 37.57 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks. Unfortunately, I am not a GitHub user, nor do I have much interest in becoming one. I really just share scores with, and that's pretty much it. Is there any other way to contact the MuseScore team with a request? No one else seems to be interested in this thread.

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