Guitar bends/prebends/reverse bends

• Dec 23, 2023 - 22:03

I am a new MuseScore user and although it has been a bit of a slog to learn how to use it overall I am finding it very powerful and once mastered, has a lot of great features. BUT as a lead guitarist I am floundering to write guitar tablature with bends, prebends, and reverse bends. Maybe the feature is already there and I just can't figure it out, but I would really like to tab out the following excerpt (from Peaceful Easy Feeling solo) - see the highlighted section of the attached photo.

If someone could show me how to do this I would very grateful!

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x1.png 7.26 KB


In reply to by Asher S.

Yes, I am using OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521124, revision: eb8d33c.

I foun them in the palette, and added them (a regular bend on the first note, and a pre-bend on the 2nd one). I figured out how to open the properties for them and change the bend "height" etc. I just can't get them to work in the playback. I mean the original bend works, but the reverse bend doesn't. Also, if I attach it to a note that is say, on the 12th fret, and then attach the reverse bend it switches it to an 11th fret note, with a half step bend, and even if I use the bend properties to change it to a whole step reverse bend it still stays on fret 11. What we want is (for example) the PITCH of the 12th fret (because we are still holding the whole step bend starting at fret ten from the first note), descending back to the 10th fret pitch. If that makes sense.

Am I doing something wrong, or does this just plain not work?

I think you are attempting one of two things, one is to make a pre-bend and release over to notes and the other is to make a pre-bend as a grace note to the release.

This is how I believe you preform the first one:

First select the first of the two notes where you want your pre-bend:
Prebend and release 01.JPG
Then click "Pre-bend" in the Guitar palette:
Prebend and release 02.JPG
You now have a pre-bent note, bent from g up to a. Then select the same note again (this took me a while to figure out):
Prebend and release 03.JPG
Then click "Standard bend" in the Guitar palette. This will create a release from the selected note to the next note in the bar:
Prebend and release 04.JPG
Now you have a pre-bend that in this case will release from a to g. I attached the score file if you want to listen to it. Is this what you wanted?

If, on the other hand, you want the pre-bend to be a grace note I don't think you can do that. I recently wrote a support question about it: If anyone knows how to do it, please enlighten me.

Attachment Size
Prebend and release.mscz 17.33 KB

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